Monte Rosa Therapeutics has $46.04 million in liabilities and a Debt to Equity (D/E) ratio of 0.16, indicating limited use of borrowing. With a current ratio of 19.71, the company is well-positioned to meet its financial obligations. When evaluating Monte Rosa's debt, it's important to consider its cash and equity positions. The company has a performance score of 11 out of 100 and a Beta of 5.01, suggesting high market risk. This means it could outperform in a rising market but may underperform if the market declines. To assess potential returns, consider using metrics like the Sortino ratio, skewness, period momentum indicator, and the relationship between potential upside and rate of daily change.
Key Discoveries
Monte Rosa Therapeutics' stock exhibits significant volatility, as highlighted by its Coefficient of Variation of 771.99, suggesting that price swings are substantial and could lead to unpredictable movements. With a Maximum Drawdown of 95.03, the stock has experienced severe declines, indicating that while a rebound is possible, investors should brace for potential further declines in December.
In the ever-evolving landscape of biotechnology, change is the only constant. Monte Rosa Therapeutics, a player in the healthcare sector, has been experiencing notable stock volatility, leaving investors pondering its future trajectory. With a fiscal year ending in December, the company has caught the attention of analysts, who have issued a strong buy consensus. Despite this optimistic outlook, the stock's recent performance has been less than stellar, with a period momentum indicator of -0.15 and a daily balance of power at -0.19, suggesting bearish sentiment. However, the analyst's highest estimated target price of $20.54 offers a glimmer of hope for those considering a rebound. As December unfolds, investors are keenly watching to see if Monte Rosa Therapeutics can overcome its current challenges and capitalize on its potential upside. Monte Rosa Therapeutics is currently offering a daily expected return of 1.96% with a risk level, or volatility, of 13.40% over the next 90 days. As interest in the biotechnology sector grows, it's important for investors to consider Monte Rosa's volatility. Here are a few key points for shareholders to keep in mind about this stock's fluctuations.
Volatility is a rate at which the price of Tenaya Therapeutics or any other equity instrument increases or decreases for a given set of returns. It is measured by calculating the standard deviation of the annualized returns over a given period of time and shows the range to which the price of Tenaya Therapeutics may increase or decrease. In other words, similar to Tenaya's beta indicator, it measures the risk of Tenaya Therapeutics and helps estimate the fluctuations that may happen in a short period of time. So if prices of Tenaya Therapeutics fluctuate rapidly in a short time span, it is termed to have high volatility, and if it swings slowly in a more extended period, it is understood to have low volatility. Please read more on our technical analysis page.
How important is Tenaya Therapeutics's Liquidity
Tenaya Therapeutics financial leverage refers to using borrowed capital as a funding source to finance Tenaya Therapeutics ongoing operations. It is usually used to expand the firm's asset base and generate returns on borrowed capital. Tenaya Therapeutics financial leverage is typically calculated by taking the company's all interest-bearing debt and dividing it by total capital. So the higher the debt-to-capital ratio (i.e., financial leverage), the riskier the company. Financial leverage can amplify the potential profits to Tenaya Therapeutics' owners, but it also increases the potential losses and risk of financial distress, including bankruptcy, if the firm cannot cover its debt costs. The degree of Tenaya Therapeutics' financial leverage can be measured in several ways, including by ratios such as the debt-to-equity ratio (total debt / total equity), equity multiplier (total assets / total equity), or the debt ratio (total debt / total assets). Please check the breakdown between Tenaya Therapeutics's total debt and its cash.
What do experts say?
Stock analysis is a method for investors and traders to make buying and selling decisions. By studying and evaluating past and current data, investors and traders attempt to gain an edge in the markets by making informed decisions. It is good to see analyst projects for Tenaya Therapeutics, but it might be worth checking our own buy vs. sell analysis
Tenaya Therapeutics Gross Profit
Tenaya Therapeutics Gross Profit growth is one of the most critical measures in evaluating the company. The Gross Profit growth rate is calculated simply by comparing Tenaya Therapeutics previous period's values with its current period's values. Each time period you're measuring should be of equal lengths the increase or decrease, in a company's Gross Profit between two periods. Here we show Tenaya Therapeutics Gross Profit growth over the last 10 years. Please check Tenaya Therapeutics' gross profit and other fundamental indicators for more details.
Tenaya Therapeutics Volatility Drivers
Tenaya Therapeutics unsystematic risk is unique to Tenaya Therapeutics and usually not directly affected by the market or economic environment. An example of unsystematic risk is the possibility of poor earnings or a layoff due to coronavirus. One may mitigate nonsystematic risk by buying different securities in the same industry or by buying in different sectors. For example, if you have a position in Tenaya Therapeutics you can also buy IGM Biosciences. You can also mitigate this risk by investing in the health care sector as well as in companies having nothing to do with it. This type of risk is also called diversifiable risk and can be understood from analyzing Tenaya Therapeutics important indicators over time. Here we run a correlation analysis between relevant fundamental ratios over at least ten year period to find a relationship in the way they react to changes in Tenaya Therapeutics income statement and balance sheet. Here are more details about Tenaya volatility.
The latest price surge of Monte Rosa Therapeutics may raise some interest from shareholders. The stock closed today at a share price of 9.22 on 1,848,447 in trading volume. The company directors and management may have good odds in positioning the firm resources to exploit market volatility in December. The stock standard deviation of daily returns for 90 days investing horizon is currently 13.4. The very high volatility is mostly attributed to the latest market swings and not very good earnings reports from some of the Monte Rosa Therapeutics partners.In the stock market, volatility is the price of admission for the potential of high returns. Monte Rosa Therapeutics, trading on the NASDAQ, is currently experiencing significant fluctuations, with a beta of 1.42 indicating higher volatility compared to the broader market. The company's financial health shows a robust current ratio of 20.11, suggesting it has ample liquidity to cover short-term obligations. However, with a probability of bankruptcy at 36.91%, investors should weigh the risks carefully. As December approaches, the biotech firm faces a critical juncture, with its market capitalization standing at $575.06 million and a potential upside of 12.43. Whether Monte Rosa will rebound or continue its decline remains uncertain, but the high standard deviation of 13.17 underscores the potential for significant price swings..
Will Monte shareholders exit after the dip?
Monte Rosa Therapeutics has recently seen a notable change in its stock behavior, with skewness rising above 5.48. This indicates increased volatility and suggests that price movements are becoming less predictable, potentially unsettling some investors, especially after a recent downturn. Shareholders might be reassessing their positions, considering whether to hold on amid the risks or cut their losses. This uncertainty could lead to more selling, which might push the stock price lower.
Monte Rosa's volatility is currently above average, which is important for investors to consider when timing their trades. Higher volatility, especially during downturns, can significantly affect the stock price and increase investor anxiety. Consequently, many investors might choose to adjust their portfolios by diversifying into other assets as prices decline.
Our Bottom Line On Monte Rosa Therapeutics
Although other companies within the biotechnology industry are still a little expensive, even after the recent corrections, Monte Rosa may offer a potential longer-term growth to shareholders. With a somewhat neutral outlook on your 90 days horizon, it may be better to hold off any trading activity and neither take over new shares of Monte nor exit your existing holdings in the Stock. It seems the expected volatility has not yet been fully factored into the current price. Please use our equity advice module to run different scenarios to ensure your current risk level and investment horizon are fully reflective of your current investing preferences in regards to Monte Rosa.
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Vlad Skutelnik is a Macroaxis Contributor. Vlad covers stocks, funds, cryptocurrencies, and ETFs that are traded in North America, focusing primarily on fundamentals, valuation and market volatility. He has many years of experience in fintech, predictive investment analytics, and risk management. View Profile
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