T2 Biosystems, a prominent player in the Healthcare and Biotechnology sector, has been under the radar of investors due to its volatile performance. The company's stock, which has a 52-week high of
$6 and a low of $0.054, currently has a market valuation of $0.26. Despite the company's negative EPS estimates for the current and next fiscal year, standing at a loss of $0.24 and $0.09 respectively, the stock holds potential for substantial upside. The possible upside price is estimated at a staggering
$17.28, a stark contrast to the possible downside price of $0.002584. This potential growth is also reflected in the analyst's highest estimated target price of $2.5, significantly higher than the Wall Street target price of $0.15. However, with a beta of 0.2673, the stock is less volatile than the market, which might appeal to risk-averse investors. The company's short ratio stands at 0.18, with
26.9M shares short prior month, indicating a short percent of 0.0943. Given these figures, the overall
analyst consensus suggests a 'Hold' on the stock. The Long-Term Debt to Equity ratio of T2 Biosystems is currently quite stable, showing little fluctuation when compared to the previous year. Last year, T2 Biosystems reported a Long-Term Debt to Equity ratio of 4.67. As of September 14, 2023, the Property, Plant, and Equipment (PP&E) Turnover is projected to increase to 5.23, while the Net Income Per Employee is expected to decrease to -$423.4K. The primary purpose of this analysis is to provide our insights on TTOO for October. We aim to forecast the value of T2 Biosystems for the benefit of its insiders.
There are currently many different techniques concerning forecasting the market as a whole as well as
predicting future values of individual securities such as T2 Biosystms. Regardless of method or technology, to accurately forecast the stock market is more a matter of luck rather than a particular technique. Nevertheless, trying to predict the stock market accurately is still an essential part of the overall investment decision process. Using different forecasting techniques and comparing the results might improve your chances of accuracy even though unexpected events may often change the
market sentiment and impact your forecasting results.
Predictive Modules for T2 Biosystms
Watch out for price decline
Please consider monitoring T2 Biosystms on a daily basis if you are holding a position in it. T2 Biosystms is trading at a penny-stock level, and the possibility of delisting is much higher compared to other stocks. However, just because the stock is trading under one dollar, does not mean it will be marked for deletion.
Most exchanges require public instruments, such as T2 Biosystms stock to be traded above the $1 level to remain listed. If T2 Biosystms stock price falls below $1 for 30 consecutive trading days, the exchange can delist it. Once the company reaches this point, they will be sent an initial price violation notice directly from an exchange.
How important is T2 Biosystms's Liquidity
T2 Biosystms
financial leverage refers to using borrowed capital as a funding source to finance T2 Biosystms ongoing operations. It is usually used to expand the firm's asset base and generate returns on borrowed capital. T2 Biosystms financial leverage is typically calculated by taking the company's all interest-bearing debt and dividing it by total capital. So the higher the debt-to-capital ratio (i.e., financial leverage), the riskier the company. Financial leverage can amplify the potential profits to T2 Biosystms' owners, but it also increases the potential losses and risk of financial distress, including bankruptcy, if the firm cannot cover its debt costs. The degree of T2 Biosystms' financial leverage can be measured in several ways, including by ratios such as the debt-to-equity ratio (total debt / total equity), equity multiplier (total assets / total equity), or the debt ratio (total debt / total assets). Please check the
breakdown between T2 Biosystms's total debt and its cash.
T2 Biosystms Gross Profit
T2 Biosystms Gross Profit growth is one of the most critical measures in evaluating the company. The Gross Profit growth rate is calculated simply by comparing T2 Biosystms previous period's values with its current period's values. Each time period you're measuring should be of equal lengths the increase or decrease, in a company's Gross Profit between two periods. Here we show T2 Biosystms Gross Profit growth over the last 10 years. Please check T2 Biosystms'
gross profit and other
fundamental indicators for more details.
A Deeper look at TTOO
T2 Biosystms is showing large volatility of returns over the selected time horizon. We encourage all investors to investigate this asset further to ensure that related market timing strategies are aligned with all the expectations about T2 Biosystms implied risk. T2 Biosystms is a potential penny stock. Although T2 Biosystms may be in fact a good instrument to invest, many penny stocks are speculative in nature and are subject to artificial price hype. Please make sure you totally understand the upside potential and downside risk of investing in T2 Biosystms. We encourage investors to look for signals such as email spams, message board hypes, claims of breakthroughs, volume upswings, sudden news releases, promotions that are not reported, or demotions released before SEC filings. Please also check biographies and work history of current and past company officers before investing in high volatility instruments, penny stocks, or equities with microcap classification. You can indeed make money on TTOO instrument if you perfectly time your entry and exit. However, remember that penny stocks that have been the subject of artificial hype usually unable to maintain their increased share price for more than just a few days. The price of a promoted high volatility instrument will almost always revert back. The only way to increase shareholder value is through legitimate performance backed up by solid fundamentals.
Returns Breakdown
| Return on Investment | (265.37) |
| Return on Assets | (1.61) |
| Return on Equity | 1.64 |
| Return Capital | (0.82) |
| Return on Sales | (2.7) |
T2 Biosystems, a biotechnology company specializing in in vitro diagnostics, has been a subject of interest for investors. With a current valuation of
$142.81M and a market capitalization of
$91.73M, the company's stock is trading at a price to sales ratio of 0.40X and a price to book ratio of 14.50X. Despite a negative return on equity of 6.22 and a return on asset of -0.85, the company's risk-adjusted performance stands at 0.1226, indicating a potential for growth. However, the company's
financial health raises concerns. With total debt amounting to $59.22M and a high probability of bankruptcy at 95.73%, the company's financial stability is questionable. The company's current liabilities stand at $18.54M, while its working capital is at $9.23M. Moreover, the company's shares have seen significant short interest, with 24.5M shares shorted, representing 0.0943 of the total shares. The company's stock has a 52-week high of $6 and a low of $0.054, with a Wall Street target price of $0.15. In conclusion, while T2 Biosystems presents some potential for growth, its financial health and high short interest suggest caution. Investors should carefully consider these factors before deciding to capitalize on T2 Biosystems stock. .
Anything left for T2 Biosystms after the recent decline?
T2 Biosystems has recently experienced a decline in its risk-adjusted performance, which currently stands at 0.12. This may potentially signal an impending decrease in volatility. While this might cause concern for some investors, it's important to note that lower volatility often equates to less uncertainty about the stock's future price movements. Therefore, despite the recent decline, there may still be potential for T2 Biosystems. Investors should monitor the situation closely and consider the company's
fundamentals before making any investment decisions. T2 Biosystems has demonstrated significant volatility of returns over the selected time horizon. We advise all investors to further investigate this asset to ensure that any associated
market timing strategies align with expectations about T2 Biosystems' implied risk. T2 Biosystems is a potential penny stock. Although T2 Biosystems may indeed be a viable investment, many penny stocks are speculative and subject to artificial price inflation. We urge investors to fully understand the potential upside and downside risks of investing in T2 Biosystems. Investors are encouraged to be on the lookout for signals such as email spam, message board hype, claims of breakthroughs, volume upswings, sudden news releases, unreported promotions, or demotions released prior to SEC filings.
It is also advisable to check the biographies and work histories of current and past company officers before investing in high volatility instruments, penny stocks, or equities with a microcap classification. While it is possible to profit from the T2 Biosystems instrument if you time your entry and exit perfectly, keep in mind that penny stocks that have been artificially hyped typically cannot maintain their increased share price for more than a few days. The price of a promoted high volatility instrument will almost always revert back. The only way to increase shareholder value is through legitimate performance backed by solid fundamentals. In light of the
current market conditions and the data at hand, it seems prudent to reconsider your position in T2 Biosystems, Inc. The company's market value is currently at
$0.26, significantly lower than its real value of
$0.51. Furthermore, the analyst's highest estimated target price stands at $2.5, a far cry from the possible upside price of $17.28. With the analyst overall consensus being 'Hold' and one out of two analysts recommending to hold the stock, it's clear that the market is uncertain about the company's
future performance. Given these factors, it might be time to exit T2 Biosystems, especially if you're seeking a more stable investment. However, it's crucial to consider your financial goals and risk tolerance before making any decisions. .
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Vlad Skutelnik is a Macroaxis Contributor. Vlad covers stocks, funds, cryptocurrencies, and ETFs that are traded in North America, focusing primarily on fundamentals, valuation and market volatility. He has many years of experience in fintech, predictive investment analytics, and risk management.
View Profile This story should be regarded as informational only and should not be considered a solicitation to sell or buy any financial products. Macroaxis does not express any opinion as to the present or future value of any investments referred to in this post. This post may not be reproduced without the consent of Macroaxis LLC. Macroaxis LLC and Vlad Skutelnik do not own shares of T2 Biosystms. Please refer to our
Terms of Use for any information regarding our disclosure principles.
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