What should I trade OneSoft (USA Stocks:OSSIF) or SYLA (USA Stocks:SYT)?

Analyzing basic indicators between SYLA Technologies and OneSoft allows for a comparison of the impact of market volatilities on both companies' prices. It also helps determine if combining them in a portfolio can diversify market risk. Pair trading strategies can be utilized, matching a long position in OneSoft with a short position in SYLA Technologies. For more information, refer to our pair correlation module. Let's examine the assets. The asset utilization indicator measures the revenue earned for every dollar of assets a company reports. SYLA Technologies has an asset utilization ratio of 74.03 percent, meaning the company generates $0.74 for each dollar of assets. An increasing asset utilization ratio indicates that SYLA Technologies Co is becoming more efficient in using its assets for daily operations.

Key Arguments

SYLA Technologies Co (SYT) has a solid financial foundation with a total asset base of 29.79B and a working capital of 9.17B, which could potentially fuel its growth trajectory. However, investors should be cautious as the company has a high probability of bankruptcy at 42.47%, which could pose a significant risk to the company's future growth.
Published over six months ago
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Reviewed by Michael Smolkin

The proof of the pudding is in the eating, and SYLA Technologies Co (USA Stocks:SYT) seems to be cooking up a storm. With a current valuation of $20.09B and a healthy EBITDA of $1.09B, the software giant appears to be in a strong financial position to fuel its growth trajectory. The company's net income from continuing operations stands at a robust $310.8M, indicating a solid profit margin of 2.34%. Despite a debt to equity ratio of 63.80%, SYLA Technologies has managed to maintain a positive return on equity of 8.49%. The company's book value per share is a whopping 311.17X, while its price to book ratio is a modest 0.75X, suggesting that the stock is undervalued. However, investors should be cautious as the company has a probability of bankruptcy of 42.47%. Despite this, with cash and equivalents of $2.9B and a yield of 0.01%, SYLA Technologies seems to be well-equipped to navigate any potential financial storms. Many prudent traders are currently steering clear of the software sector. However, it's worth taking a closer look at SYLA Technologies Co to gauge its standing against competitors like OneSoft Solutions. We will delve into some of the competitive factors that distinguish SYLA from OneSoft.
Investment perspective, in general, refers to a viewpoint or opinion regarding investment opportunity in SYLA Technologies. It encompasses the assessment of an investment's potential risks and rewards, and expectations for its performance over time. Several factors influence the investment perspective on SYLA Technologies, including investment goals, risk tolerance, time horizon, market conditions, and research and analysis. Investors have varying goals, such as capital preservation, income generation, or long-term growth. Risk tolerance plays a significant role in shaping an investor's perspective, with some being more risk-averse and others willing to take on higher risks for potential returns.

How important is SYLA Technologies's Liquidity

SYLA Technologies financial leverage refers to using borrowed capital as a funding source to finance SYLA Technologies Co, ongoing operations. It is usually used to expand the firm's asset base and generate returns on borrowed capital. SYLA Technologies financial leverage is typically calculated by taking the company's all interest-bearing debt and dividing it by total capital. So the higher the debt-to-capital ratio (i.e., financial leverage), the riskier the company. Financial leverage can amplify the potential profits to SYLA Technologies' owners, but it also increases the potential losses and risk of financial distress, including bankruptcy, if the firm cannot cover its debt costs. The degree of SYLA Technologies' financial leverage can be measured in several ways, including by ratios such as the debt-to-equity ratio (total debt / total equity), equity multiplier (total assets / total equity), or the debt ratio (total debt / total assets). Please check the breakdown between SYLA Technologies's total debt and its cash.

SYLA Technologies Gross Profit

SYLA Technologies Gross Profit growth is one of the most critical measures in evaluating the company. The Gross Profit growth rate is calculated simply by comparing SYLA Technologies previous period's values with its current period's values. Each time period you're measuring should be of equal lengths the increase or decrease, in a company's Gross Profit between two periods. Here we show SYLA Technologies Gross Profit growth over the last 10 years. Please check SYLA Technologies' gross profit and other fundamental indicators for more details.


Revenue is income that a firm generates from business activities such us rendering services or selling goods to customers. It is a crucial part of a business and an essential item when evaluating a company's financial statements. Revenues from a firm's primary business operations can be reported on the income statement as sales revenue, net sales, or simply sales, depending on the industry in which a given company operates.
Revenue is typically recorded when cash or cash equivalents are exchanged for services or goods and can include products or services discounts, promotions, as well as early payments on invoices or services rendered in advance.

Revenue Breakdown

Lets now check SYLA Technologies revenue. Based on the latest financial disclosure, SYLA Technologies Co reported 22.06 B of revenue.
This is 180.65% higher than that of the Software sector and 143.18% higher than that of the Information Technology industry. The revenue for all United States stocks is 133.77% lower than that of the firm. As for OneSoft Solutions we see revenue of 4.44 M, which is 99.95% lower than that of the Information Technology
SYLA22.06 Billion
Sector7.86 Billion
OneSoft4.44 Million
22.1 B
7.9 B
As the saying goes, "Revenue is vanity, profit is sanity, but cash is king." SYLA Technologies Co (SYT) seems to be living up to this adage, with a healthy net income of $310.76 million and a substantial cash and equivalents position of $2.9 billion. The company's current ratio of 1.63X indicates a strong ability to meet short-term obligations, which is crucial for fueling its growth trajectory. However, the firm's total debt of $19.93 billion is a concern, as it could potentially hinder its expansion plans. Despite this, the company's five-year return of 2.82% and a beta of 1.05 suggest a stable performance with a moderate level of market risk, making SYLA Technologies a viable consideration for investors seeking steady growth..

Our perspective of the newest SYLA Technologies gain

SYLA Technologies recently experienced a substantial drawdown of 130.17, potentially indicating a forthcoming decrease in volatility. This could be a pivotal moment for the company, as lower volatility often suggests a less risky, more stable investment environment. Although the drawdown might raise initial concerns, it could also set the stage for a more predictable and consistent upward trajectory in the future. This shift could make SYLA Technologies an appealing choice for investors seeking stability in today's uncertain market. However, the company's stock exhibits above-average volatility over the selected time period. Understanding volatility trends can help investors time the market, while the use of volatility indicators can help assess SYLA Technologies' stock risk during both bullish and bearish trends. High volatility in bear markets can directly affect SYLA Technologies' stock price, causing investor stress and prompting portfolio rebalancing.

The Current Takeaway on SYLA Technologies Investment

Whereas some companies under the chemicals industry are still a bit expensive, SYLA Technologies may offer a potential longer-term growth to private investors. With a less-than optimistic outlook for your 90 days horizon, it may be a good time to drop some or all of your SYLA Technologies holdings as it seems the potential growth was already fully factored into the current price. Please use our equity advice module to run different scenarios to ensure your current risk level and investment horizon are fully reflective of your current investing preferences in regards to SYLA Technologies.

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