Insider Directory of Corporate Directors

Ho Lee086520Ecopro CoDirector200753
Heung LeeCVASCreative VistasDirector200854
Hisashi TamuraSZUKFSuzuken CoDirector2015
Hyeok Kim039240Gyeongnam Steel CoDirector201359
Hyeong Kim038390RedcapTour CoDirector201356
Henk SchefferARMT34ArcelorMittal SADirector60
Helvi SandvikALKAlaska Air GroupDirector201365
Hong Yim042520HansBiomedDirector201342
Hiroki TakasakiNARRFNagoya Railroad CoDirector201463
Ho Kang032750SAMJIN CoDirector201357
Hendrix PramanaIUAASTRA GRAPHIADirector201445
Hui Jung070590Hansol Inticube CoDirector201346
Hui Lee070590Hansol Inticube CoDirector200957
Hak Choi037760Cenit CoDirector201357
Hector TruciosCIDMEGAGrupe SAB deDirector53
Hilarius ArwandhiACSTAcset Indonusa TbkDirector201362
Hajime UedaNRILYNomura Research InstituteDirector2019

Corporate Insider such as Corporate Director is a common financial term that usually refers to C-Level executive or Vice President of a company. It can also be used as a term describing anyone that owns more than 10% of a company's voting shares. Corporate Insider practices are regulated by the SEC to impose very strict disclosure requirements on all insiders when they trade shares of their company on public or private exchanges.