Trending Assets Constituents
Nextnav Acquisition Corp
17.39 0.66 3.95 Stock | NN |
Granite Construction Incorporated
99.37 0.68 0.69 Stock | GVA |
Atlanticus Holdings
58.26 -0.47 -0.8 Stock | ATLC |
30.78 -0.28 -0.9 Stock | ELMD |
Tarsus Pharmaceuticals
52.45 1.61 3.17 Stock | TARS |
MYR Group
157.90 0.13 0.08 Stock | MYRG |
Comfort Systems USA
493.27 6.62 1.36 Stock | FIX |
SEI Investments
82.63 0.19 0.23 Stock | SEIC |
Construction Partners
101.61 0.47 0.46 Stock | ROAD |
Vita Coco
35.54 -0.08 -0.22 Stock | COCO |
Axon Enterprise
646.96 12.00 1.89 Stock | AXON |
38.09 -0.16 -0.42 Stock | NI |
Transportadora de Gas
29.72 0.53 1.82 Stock | TGS |
Ameriprise Financial
573.97 2.06 0.36 Stock | AMP |
Emerson Electric
132.60 0.01 0.01 Stock | EMR |
MeiraGTx Holdings PLC
6.77 0.22 3.36 Stock | MGTX |
Stifel Financial
115.80 -0.48 -0.41 Stock | SF |
Pure Cycle
14.54 0.09 0.62 Stock | PCYO |
152.75 0.79 0.52 Stock | DDOG |
Great Lakes Dredge
12.63 0.11 0.88 Stock | GLDD |
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