Macroaxis Picks Constituents
248.13 2.32 0.94 Stock | VRSN |
Patterson Companies
31.24 0.04 0.13 Stock | PDCO |
Consolidated Edison
105.55 -1.28 -1.2 Stock | ED |
Sunoco LP
57.87 0.48 0.84 Stock | SUN |
3M Company
152.68 -0.82 -0.53 Stock | MMM |
Amgen Inc
305.71 -1.15 -0.37 Stock | AMGN |
Hartford Financial Services
122.66 1.20 0.99 Stock | HIG |
AGNC Investment Corp
9.93 -0.2 -1.97 Stock | AGNC |
Devon Energy
37.47 0.50 1.35 Stock | DVN |
American Electric Power
102.50 -1.68 -1.61 Stock | AEP |
WEC Energy Group
104.31 -1.47 -1.39 Stock | WEC |
Verizon Communications
44.18 0.69 1.59 Stock | VZ |
Baxter International
33.36 0.42 1.28 Stock | BAX |
Range Resources Corp
39.84 -0.3 -0.75 Stock | RRC |
Kimberly Clark
139.61 2.62 1.91 Stock | KMB |
997.28 25.29 2.60 Etf | NFLX |
Eli Lilly and
826.76 -25.59 -3 Stock | LLY |
Cisco Systems
60.99 0.02 0.03 Stock | CSCO |
Laboratory of
233.34 -1.11 -0.47 Stock | LH |
UnitedHealth Group Incorporated
518.20 4.77 0.93 Stock | UNH |
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