Latest Losers Constituents
Delhi Bank Corp
20.95 0.00 0.00 Pink Sheet | DWNX |
Baraboo Bancorporation
3.94 -0.02 -0.51 Pink Sheet | BAOB |
CSG Systems International
66.73 0.59 0.89 Stock | CSGS |
Barrister Energy LLC
2.40 0.00 0.00 Pink Sheet | CJAX |
Option Care Health
32.63 0.55 1.71 Stock | OPCH |
Visa Class A
352.09 3.56 1.02 Stock | V |
International Consolidated Airlines
4.32 0.14 3.35 Pink Sheet | BABWF |
Alaska Air Group
71.40 1.22 1.74 Stock | ALK |
143.14 -4.86 -3.28 Stock | NET |
Silicon Laboratories
144.29 -7.14 -4.72 Stock | SLAB |
Sandvik AB ADR
22.14 0.29 1.33 Pink Sheet | SDVKY |
Alkermes Plc
34.93 -0.59 -1.66 Stock | ALKS |
Danske Bank AS
16.99 0.52 3.16 Pink Sheet | DNKEY |
Thomson Reuters Corp
179.32 2.80 1.59 Stock | TRI |
15.05 0.51 3.51 Pink Sheet | FANUY |
iShares MSCI China
54.06 0.47 0.88 Etf | MCHI |
Cisco Systems
64.27 0.29 0.45 Stock | CSCO |
Okta Inc
89.34 -1.54 -1.69 Stock | OKTA |
OReilly Automotive
1,347 32.29 2.46 Stock | ORLY |
24.32 0.02 0.08 Stock | JWN |
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