Investor Favorites Constituents
SPDR Gold Shares
281.97 3.73 1.34 Etf | GLD |
28.20 0.55 1.99 Stock | T |
Johnson Johnson
163.13 1.41 0.87 Stock | JNJ |
GE Aerospace
205.88 -1.49 -0.72 Stock | GE |
The Coca Cola
70.74 0.72 1.03 Stock | KO |
Exxon Mobil Corp
117.89 -0.38 -0.32 Stock | XOM |
23.62 0.20 0.85 Stock | INTC |
Vanguard FTSE Emerging
46.09 0.30 0.66 Etf | VWO |
Cisco Systems
61.40 -0.4 -0.65 Stock | CSCO |
Vanguard Real Estate
89.83 -0.23 -0.26 Etf | VNQ |
Ford Motor
9.90 -0.4 -3.88 Stock | F |
71.85 -1.39 -1.9 Stock | C |
Procter Gamble
168.71 2.13 1.28 Stock | PG |
Bank of America
42.56 -0.26 -0.61 Stock | BAC |
567.08 -1.51 -0.27 Etf | SPY |
Vanguard Total Stock
278.99 -2.17 -0.77 Etf | VTI |
390.58 0.61 0.16 Stock | MSFT |
Amazon Inc
201.13 -4.58 -2.23 Stock | AMZN |
Apple Inc
223.85 2.32 1.05 Stock | AAPL |
Alphabet Inc Class C
164.08 -3.06 -1.83 Stock | GOOG |
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