FinTech Constituents
Intercontinental Exchange
174.39 -1.2 -0.68 Stock | ICE |
Progressive Corp
272.86 -1.76 -0.64 Stock | PGR |
American International Group
83.18 -0.53 -0.63 Stock | AIG |
Marsh McLennan Companies
232.31 -1.06 -0.45 Stock | MMC |
American Tower Corp
216.23 1.96 0.91 Stock | AMT |
390.35 -2.82 -0.72 Stock | AON |
Crown Castle
106.39 1.80 1.72 Stock | CCI |
Ventas Inc
66.85 -0.86 -1.27 Stock | VTR |
Hartford Financial Services
119.25 -0.42 -0.35 Stock | HIG |
Unum Group
81.34 0.30 0.37 Stock | UNM |
Lincoln National
35.91 -0.77 -2.1 Stock | LNC |
Apartment Investment and
8.61 -0.1 -1.15 Stock | AIV |
Principal Financial Group
83.26 -0.87 -1.03 Stock | PFG |
The Bank of
83.55 -0.38 -0.45 Stock | BK |
The Travelers Companies
256.70 -2.84 -1.09 Stock | TRV |
Essex Property Trust
300.06 -2.02 -0.67 Stock | ESS |
Aflac Incorporated
108.24 -0.46 -0.42 Stock | AFL |
291.43 -2.69 -0.91 Stock | CB |
The Allstate
206.47 -3.71 -1.77 Stock | ALL |
Loews Corp
87.25 -0.93 -1.05 Stock | L |
This list of potential positions covers high long term potential financial entities that are ranging from payment processing, investment management to commercial and investment banking in USA. To view opportunities from different investing ideas or change the current investment horizon please use the panel above to switch your theme or use buttons below to analyze or optimize FinTech, or select one of many other different investing ideas from the investing ideas screen.
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