Basic Utilities Constituents
Suburban Propane Partners
20.99 0.01 0.05 Stock | SPH |
Antero Midstream Partners
18.00 -0.04 -0.22 Stock | AM |
CenterPoint Energy
35.54 0.31 0.88 Stock | CNP |
Enel Chile SA
3.36 -0.02 -0.59 Stock | ENIC |
American Electric Power
102.50 -1.68 -1.61 Stock | AEP |
Cheniere Energy Partners
63.69 0.98 1.56 Stock | CQP |
WEC Energy Group
104.31 -1.47 -1.39 Stock | WEC |
Aris Water Solutions
32.64 -0.69 -2.07 Stock | ARIS |
39.98 0.37 0.93 Stock | NI |
Atmos Energy
150.16 1.82 1.23 Stock | ATO |
National Rural Utilities
23.66 -0.11 -0.46 Stock | NRUC |
Middlesex Water
61.53 0.94 1.55 Stock | MSEX |
Consumers Energy
80.60 1.75 2.22 Preferred Stock | CMS-PB |
Western Midstream Partners
41.35 0.16 0.39 Stock | WES |
One Gas
72.83 -0.58 -0.79 Stock | OGS |
Alliant Energy Corp
62.10 -0.88 -1.4 Stock | LNT |
26.86 -0.36 -1.32 Stock | AROC |
54.65 -0.92 -1.66 Stock | NWE |
NRG Energy
97.37 -4.9 -4.79 Stock | NRG |
Southwest Gas Holdings
72.11 -0.84 -1.15 Stock | SWX |
This list of potential positions covers companies involved in production and distribution of electric, gas, water, and other energy utilities in USA. To view opportunities from different investing ideas or change the current investment horizon please use the panel above to switch your theme or use buttons below to analyze or optimize Basic Utilities, or select one of many other different investing ideas from the investing ideas screen.
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