Optimize Coins on bitFlyer

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  Expected Return   

bitFlyer is a licensed and registered Virtual Currency Exchange Operator with registration number 00003. The exchange is also regulated by both the Japan Financial Services Agency (JFSA) and the New York Department of Financial Services (NYDFS). These regulations make bitFlyer one of the most trusted cryptocurrency exchanges and allow them to operate within the United States as well. bitFlyer Lightning interface is available to Trade Class or above and allows users to buy Bitcoin quickly. I. s a robust system that supports a high volume of trades. It provides a professional trading dashboard and charting feature that proves beneficial for beginners and experts. bitFlye. operates the same matching engine and uses the same API a. th. bitFlye. US and bitFlye. JP (more info on the API here). The only thing that differs across regions (eu, us, jp) is the access to the order books due to regulatory constraints. Website Japan | USA | EUTwitte. Japan | USA | EUFacebook | Blo. | LinkedIn | Youtube

Cryptocurrency Portfolio Optimizer picks the optimal portfolio from the efficient frontier based on your investment objectives and risk preferences. Then, it evaluates the optimal portfolio, along with its total risk, expected return, and Sharpe ratio. As a rational crypto investor, your main objective is to outperform your existing portfolio on a risk-return scale. Therefore, the primary assumption of this model is that a reasonable investor will not select a portfolio if another portfolio exists with a superior risk-return tradeoff.
The Cryptocurrency Portfolio Optimization module is built on classical mean-variance optimization techniques introduced by Harry Markowitz in his paper titled 'Portfolio Selection' published in 1952 in The Journal of Finance. Our approach to portfolio optimization relies not only on the mathematical model to allocate digital assets based on a volatility of returns and elimination of non-systematic risk but also on investors' unique behavioral patterns and habits they exhibit when utilizing our tools.