Coins Risk-Return Landscape on HitBTC |  |
Assets Rated by Market Efficiency
Many investors optimize their portfolios to maintain a risk-return balance that meets their personal investing preferences and liquidity needs. Understanding the relationship between the Sharpe ratio, risk, and expected return will help you build an optimal portfolio from your selected positions. Below are the essential efficiency ratios that can help you quickly create a reliable input to your portfolio optimization process.
The analysis above is based on a 90-day investment horizon and a default level of risk. Use the
Portfolio Analyzer to fine-tune all your assumptions. Check your current assumptions
Cryptocurrency optimizer helps investors find the best mix of positions for the specified list of coins traded on a given exchange. The module can generate an efficient portfolio composed exclusively of your digital assets. The tool showcases that even the very basic diversification can significantly increase risk-adjusted returns on all of your combined positions across the selected cryptocurrency market.
Many investors in digital assets optimize their portfolios to maintain a risk-return balance that meets their personal investing preferences and
liquidity needs. Understanding the relationship between the risk and expected return will help you build an optimal portfolio out of all coins traded on your selected exchange.
HitBT. was founded in 2013 by a team of finance experts and engineers and since then, HitBTC has been providing markets for Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Dogecoin, Monero, USDT, and more than 300 cryptocurrencies in total. Created by outstanding technical minds, high-level finance professionals and experienced traders, HitBTC is delivering a fast and powerful platform solution on the market. The platform has earned its reputation for fault-tolerance, flawless uptime, and high availability. Its core matching engine is among the best technological products in its class, offering traders a wide range of features such as real-time clearing and cutting-edge order matching algorithms. HitBTC native token is the HitBTC Token (HIT. and native wallet the HitBTC Wallet. Telegram | Facebook . GitHub