Currency Pairs on itBit

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It's paramount to put the aspect of liquidity in the spotlight. Volume is often denoted by the number of users trading in that exchange and the quantity of every asset. Entry or exit positions by participants are mainly dependent on volume. If an exchange has good volume, it increases the profitability of the trader. Conversely, low-volume exchanges usually compel traders to sell their assets at low offers.

ItBit is Paxo. fiat to crypto exchange - and offers EUR, USD & SGD to Bitcoin. The exchange is based in the US and in Singapore. Security is strong with two factor authentication and cold storage and the interface of the exchange is easy to use and well designed. ItBit takes a different approach to its exchange by allowing users to claim trading credits as they add liquidity to the orderbook. Trading fees also vary depending on the users historic volume - as such trading fees have a broad range of 0-0. 5%. Deposits and withdrawals come hand in hand with a standard KYC and AML set of procedures - in particular USD withdrawal has a 72 hour locktime - although this can be reduced on request. There are heavy fees for withdrawal at USD 30 and USD 5 for depositing excluding bank surcharges. Euros carry similarly prohibitive surcharges from the exchange whilst withdrawal and deposit fees for Singapore dollars are much lower and better value, either being free or a max of 2 SGD. LinkedIn | Facebook | Mediu.

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Every exchange in the market has its asset selection and coin pairs available for trading. In addition, some platforms may not offer certain assets or pairs. Thus, finding the market with the right combination of coins is essential based on your objectives. Furthermore, analyzing the history of the trading coin pairs will give you an additional angle in making correct investing decision.