Nathan Young
Senior Member of Macroaxis Editorial Board - US Equity Analysis
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Facebook, the platform we all know and love is in the news for being skimmed for information relating back to a data firm. People take for granted that their information is safe and secure, when in reality it may be easier to obtain then you thought. The stock has taken a tumble and Mark Zuckerberg is scheduled to testify on the issue. Shareholders should be little surprised that this occurred given the amount of information littered throughout the Facebook website.
over a year ago at Macroaxis By Nathan Young | ![]() |
Becton, Dickinson and Company (NYSE: BDX) develops, manufactures, and sells medical supplies, devices, laboratory equipment, and diagnostic products worldwide. From there, BDX operates in two segments by the name of BD Medical and BD Life Sciences.
over a year ago at Macroaxis By Nathan Young | ![]() |
Roku is a streaming device that allows the user to stream Netflix and other apps right to their television. With the increasing popularity of cord cutting, these types of devices are gaining ground. However, with Roku, many believe that the stock is too high and this is because of smart televisions. Smart televisions essentially have a Roku built into the, in the essence anyone can stream Hulu or Netflix right from their television. The difference is with a smart television, a Roku is not needed.
over a year ago at Macroaxis By Nathan Young | ![]() |
For those of you who have not been exposed, the media has dubbed a set of stocks with the acronym FANG, which stands for Facebook, Amazon, Netflix, and Google. You may be wondering why these four stocks, and the reason is that these stocks have been able to perform through thick and thin, providing investors with solid returns. In the piece, I want to breakdown why each of these may continue to perform and maintain their elite status among others.
over a year ago at Macroaxis By Nathan Young | ![]() |
Today, Rite Aid sold their remaining stores to Albertsons in a deal what will complete the process of transitioning all Rite Aid stores. Rite Aid has been in the process of selling a majority of their stores and distribution centers to Walgreen Boots Alliance and this process has taken longer than expected. The reasons were due to some hang ups in the approval process but after adjustments, the sale has been pushed through.
over a year ago at Macroaxis By Nathan Young | ![]() |
Exchange traded funds or ETF for short, have exploded in popularity in the last few years. They continue to grow and many people are implementing them in place of traditional mutual funds. An ETF is similar to a mutual fund, but the most noticeable difference is that it is traded on the stock exchanged, allowing investors and traders to enter and exit with ease. ETF products are created to follow a specific index, market sector, and even a commodity or currency. If there is a market you want exposure too, then you will likely find an exchanged traded fund.
over a year ago at Macroaxis By Nathan Young | ![]() |
After retail struggled through 2017, 2018 has begun to show itself and Barnes & Noble could not escape. The brick and mortar bookstore announced they will be cutting staff due to poor holiday sales. This should come as no surprise as online sales and ecommerce has put immense pressure on traditional retails stores. On that news, shares were down over three percent for the day in an expected move.
over a year ago at Macroaxis By Nathan Young | ![]() |
With the new tax laws in place, corporations stand to benefit and Apple is no different. In response to the recent changes, Apple plans to bring back a large portion of their oversea money and put it to use in the United States market. Even though the company is bringing money back, they still must contend with the face iPhone X sales have not been the best. Certainly they have been acceptable, but Apple has created a high level of standards for themselves.
over a year ago at Macroaxis By Nathan Young | ![]() |
In the last few days, the markets have swung wildly, falling and dropping. The volatility index or the VIX has risen to highs not seen in quite some time and investors are beginning to take a look at the market with new eyes. Remember, this bull run has continued for nearly 10 years and it has been well over a year since a solid correction. A correction could be profit taking, fear, or in some cases robo investors are triggered by certain levels in the market.
over a year ago at Macroaxis By Nathan Young | ![]() |
Facebook continues to perform and bring in stellar numbers and it resulted in the stock trading down briefly and then pushing back upwards. Facebook is essentially the go to place for people who interact. Instagram is another growing platform and it is also owned by Facebook. This company continues to push further into new territory and making all the right moves. However, it was stated that time spent on Facebook has decreased in the last quarter.
over a year ago at Macroaxis By Nathan Young | ![]() |