IHS Markit has
performance score of 5 on a scale of 0 to 100. The company retains a Market Volatility (i.e. Beta) of 0.7213, which attests to possible diversification benefits within a given portfolio. Let's try to break down what IHS Markit's beta means in this case. As returns on the market increase, IHS Markit returns are expected to increase less than the market. However, during the bear market, the loss on holding IHS Markit will be expected to be smaller as well. Although it is extremely important to respect
IHS Markit current price history, it is better to be realistic regarding the information on equity current price movements. The approach towards determining
future performance of any stock is to evaluate the business as a whole together with its past performance, including all
available fundamental and
technical indicators. By analyzing
IHS Markit technical indicators, you can now evaluate if the expected return of 0.0939% will be sustainable into the future.
IHS Markit currently retains a risk of 1.26%. Please check out IHS Markit
value at risk, as well as the
relationship between the skewness and
day median price to decide if IHS Markit will be following its current trending patterns.
Harbor ETF
financial leverage refers to using borrowed capital as a funding source to finance Harbor ETF Trust ongoing operations. It is usually used to expand the firm's asset base and generate returns on borrowed capital. Harbor ETF financial leverage is typically calculated by taking the company's all interest-bearing debt and dividing it by total capital. So the higher the debt-to-capital ratio (i.e., financial leverage), the riskier the company. Financial leverage can amplify the potential profits to Harbor ETF's owners, but it also increases the potential losses and risk of financial distress, including bankruptcy, if the firm cannot cover its debt costs. The degree of Harbor ETF's financial leverage can be measured in several ways, including by ratios such as the debt-to-equity ratio (total debt / total equity), equity multiplier (total assets / total equity), or the debt ratio (total debt / total assets). Please check the
breakdown between Harbor ETF's total debt and its cash.
Earning per share calculations of the firm is based on official Zacks consensus of 5 analysts regarding IHS Markit's future annual earnings. Given the historical accuracy of 94.56%, the future earnings per share of the company is estimated to be 2.225 with the lowest and highest values of 2.16 and 2.28, respectively. Please note that this consensus of annual earnings estimates for IHS Markit is an estimate of EPS before non-recurring items and including employee stock options expenses.
Is IHS Markit a risky opportunity?
Let's check the volatility. IHS Markit is looking slightly risky at this time. Whether you invest your money or manage your clients' funds, remember that it is easy to forget that behind IHS Markit (NYSE:INFO) stock is an actual business venture. So, do not let stock picking become an abstract concept by ignoring the elementary risk calculations. picking up a share of an IHS Markit stock makes you a part-owner of that company.
IHS Markit Current Consensus
Here is the latest trade recommendation based on an ongoing consensus estimate among financial analysis covering IHS Markit. The IHS Markit consensus assessment is calculated by taking the average estimates from all of the analysts covering IHS Markit
| Strong Buy | 8 | 61.54 |
| Buy | 1 | 7.69 |
| Hold | 4 | 30.77 |
| Sell | 0 | 0.0 |
| Strong Sell | 0 | 0.0 |
IHS Markit implied volatility may change after the rise
The kurtosis is down to 0.88 as of today. IHS Markit has relatively low volatility with skewness of -0.07 and kurtosis of 0.88. However, we advise all investors to independently investigate IHS Markit to ensure all accessible information is consistent with the expectations about its upside potential and future expected returns.
Our Bottom Line On IHS Markit
Whereas other entities within the consulting services industry are still a little expensive, even after the recent corrections, IHS Markit may offer a potential longer-term growth to institutional investors. To conclude, as of the 29th of September 2020, we believe that at this point, IHS Markit is
fairly valued with
low chance of financial distress within the next 2 years. Our ongoing buy-or-sell advice on the company is
Strong Buy.
Raphi Shpitalnik is a Junior Member of Macroaxis Editorial Board. Raphael is a young entrepreneur who joined Macroaxis on a part-time basis at the beginning of the pandemic and eventually acquired a real taste for investing and fintech. He likes to analyze different equity instruments across a wide range of industries, focusing primarily on consumer products, sports, fintech, cannabis, and AI.
View Profile This story should be regarded as informational only and should not be considered a solicitation to sell or buy any financial products. Macroaxis does not express any opinion as to the present or future value of any investments referred to in this post. This post may not be reproduced without the consent of Macroaxis LLC. Macroaxis LLC and Raphi Shpitalnik do not own shares of Harbor ETF Trust. Please refer to our
Terms of Use for any information regarding our disclosure principles.
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