Basic Sectors Sentiment Widget
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Basic Sectors Sentiment Widget Site Integration
Your site header for basic sectors sentiment widget
Your main site content
Suggested Placement
Your website content footer
Above is a live preview of your selected widget;this may or may not look the same on your site or blog. The best way to check if the widget fits your page layout and style is to grab its code below and embed it into your site.
Basic Sectors Sentiment Widget Widget Installation
Macroaxis widget scriptlets do not require any modifications to your existing page structure, DOM, or markup schema and can be running on your site in less than a minute. To install this widget on your site or blog, copy the below scriptlet and paste it to your HTML page. If you need to run multiple widgets on the same page, please make sure to use iframes pointing to a separate HTML page with an embedded scriptlet.Code to Embed
Copy and paste the HTML below to include this widget on your web page
If you have any questions or comments please contact us to get more information on how to utilize Macroaxis widgets on your siteWidget License
This is a free license. The license is for a single blog, website, or intranet site (commercial or personal). Any widget under free license will NOT work on a secured site (HTTPS). Please upgrade to enable HTTPS integration. All free widgets are financed by ads and require proper attribution.Required Attribution
Please note, you are required to credit Macroaxis on every page where this widget is running. Failure to display a proper attribution will render this license invalid. Attribution should be placed in any of the following ways: 1. In the footer of the page where the widget is embedded 2. Right below or above the widget3. On the "About" page of your applicationHere is the example of a proper attribution:HTML code:
Don't want to include the Ads? Try premium widgets for free!Please check resources below for more information on our widget catalog
About Macroaxis Financial WidgetsWidget and Stock Ticker ExamplesStock Ticker InformationContact MacroaxisMacroaxis financial widgets, such as Basic Sectors Sentiment Widget, are portable, reusable, and highly encapsulated Web components that can be installed within any separate HTML-based document by an end-user without requiring additional resources. This may include financial portals, business school or investment related sites, or personal blogs. Our reusable financial widgets and gadgets are used to distribute on-demand financial information, including stocks, funds, ETFs, and world market quotes, changes, and fundamentals.Instant, one-line integration of our widgets will enable you to display charts, tickers, info panels and heat-maps for most stocks, ETFs, funds, indexes and watch-lists
from over 30 exchanges worldwide. You can get it running in seconds. Please check our financial widget catalog below and select your widget.