Exchange | Coinbase | Optimize |
Start | Buy | Buy | Buy | End | ||||
BTC  100 | ETH 0.03836  2607 | USDT 0.0002703  9644883 | BTC 96432  100.02 | 0.02 0.02 | ||||
BTC  100 | USDT 0.00001037  9639735 | ETH 3700  2606 | BTC 26.07  99.95 | -0.05 -0.05 | ||||
ETH  100 | USDT 0.0002703  369961 | BTC 96432  3.836 | ETH 0.03836  100.02 | 0.02 0.02 | ||||
ETH  100 | BTC 26.07  3.836 | USDT 0.00001037  369780 | ETH 3700  99.95 | -0.05 -0.05 | ||||
USDT  100 | ETH 3700  0.02703 | BTC 26.07  0.001037 | USDT 0.00001037  99.95 | -0.05 -0.05 | ||||
USDT  100 | BTC 96432  0.001037 | ETH 0.03836  0.02703 | USDT 0.0002703  100.02 | 0.02 0.02 |
Use our cryptocurrency optimization module to reduce some of your inherited risks by holding a diversified portfolio of volatile digital assets or mixing digital assets with more traditional equity instruments such as stocks, funds, and ETFs. Please also try our Cryptocurrency Correlations module, or start creating your first, fully optimized, cryptocurrency portfolio.
Triangular arbitrage of digital assets is a trading technique that tries to profit from a price difference between three
different coins on the same cryptocurrency exchange or across different markets.
Sophisticated traders did triangular arbitrage for many years in the forex markets, and it can also
be applied to cryptocurrency markets.
Cryptocurrency arbitrage is the process of taking advantage of inefficiencies in markets. With cryptocurrencies, this can happens more
often as the price of coins fluctuates over time and differs on different exchanges against the homogenous counter currency.
If there is a difference between the cost of an asset across other exchanges (or even potentially within the same market),
it may be possible to buy and sell the same coin in a way that will result in a net profit. A triangular arbitrage opportunity is a
trading strategy that exploits the arbitrage opportunities that exist among three currencies on a single exchange or across multiple exchanges.
The triangular arbitrage is found during the exchange of one coin to another when there are discrepancies in the listed prices for the given
counter currency.