Volatility Stories
Buy low, sell high - a mantra often echoed in the world of investing. With Northern Technologies' stock currently trading on the NASDAQ, the question arises: is now the prime opportunity to invest? The specialty chemicals company, categorized under basic materials, has shown significant volatility recently. Despite a possible downside price of $8.6, the analyst's highest estimated target price stands at a promising $19.
over six months ago at Macroaxis By Nico Santiago |
The Greenbrier Companies (USA Stocks: GBX) shows a significant amount of volatility, with a standard deviation of 3 and a coefficient of variation of 1.4K, suggesting a high level of price fluctuation. However, this volatility could present an investment opportunity, as the stock's potential upside is currently at 3.69. Despite the risk, as indicated by a negative Jensen Alpha of 0.09 and total risk alpha of -0.54, the potential rewards may outweigh the risks for investors with a high-risk tolerance.
Key Points
Greenbrier Companies currently holds approximately 281.7 million in cash, with a positive cash flow from operations of 71.2 million. This results in a cash-per-share (CPS) ratio of 14.18.over six months ago at Macroaxis By Aina Ster |
The rollercoaster ride of investing often brings unexpected twists and turns, and Cheetah Mobile's stock is no exception. With a market valuation of $2.28 billion, the software company's real value is estimated at $1.8 billion, indicating a potential overvaluation. The NYSE-listed company has seen its share of volatility, with a possible upside price of $6.4 and a downside risk that plummets to just $0.0228.
over six months ago at Macroaxis By Vlad Skutelnik |
Volatility is a friend to the wise and a foe to the fool. Nuzee Inc, a NASDAQ-listed company in the Consumer Defensive sector, specifically Packaged Foods, is showing signs of a potential downtrend in volatility. This could be an opportune moment for investors to consider this stock.
over six months ago at Macroaxis By Vlad Skutelnik |
Assure Holdings Corp currently has approximately 792K in cash, with a positive cash flow from operations of 8.03M. This results in a cash-per-share (CPS) ratio of 0.06. The company has a Beta (market volatility) of 1.667, indicating a somewhat significant risk relative to the market.
over six months ago at Macroaxis By Gabriel Shpitalnik |
In the world of investing, timing is everything, and for those keeping a close eye on Air Industries Group (NYSE: AIRI), the recent price action may signal an opportune moment. The aerospace and defense contractor, which operates within the industrials sector, has seen its stock price reach a typical day price of **$2.97**, with a rate of daily change indicating a stable momentum at **1.02**. Despite the inherent market volatility, the company's stock has been buoyed by a strong accumulation distribution of **1.84**, suggesting that the stock is being accumulated at a higher rate than it is being distributed, a positive sign for potential investors.
over six months ago at Macroaxis By Ellen Johnson |
UiPath Inc (NYSE: PATH), a key player in the software - infrastructure industry, has exhibited a notable level of volatility, with a standard deviation of 3.25, suggesting significant price swings that can present both risks and opportunities for investors. With a high price of $20.10 and a recent price percent change of 4.69%, the stock has shown the capacity for rapid movements, which can be leveraged by those who employ strategic hedging techniques. The Value At Risk (VaR) of -3.98 indicates the potential for considerable downside, which underscores the importance of using options or other derivatives to mitigate potential losses.
over a year ago at Macroaxis By Aina Ster |
In the world of biotechnology stocks, volatility is the name of the game. Axcella Health (AXLA), a prominent player in the industry, is currently experiencing a surge in its stock price, which could potentially signal real growth opportunities. With a Day Typical Price of $4.73 and a Possible Upside Price of 43.9, the company's current market dynamics present an intriguing scenario for investors.
over a year ago at Macroaxis By Gabriel Shpitalnik |
Every cloud has a silver lining, and Intrusion Inc., a Software - Infrastructure company traded on NASDAQ, might just be that silver lining for savvy investors this December. Despite the company's current valuation market value standing at a modest $0.48, the possible upside price is a whopping $10.92, presenting a potentially lucrative opportunity. However, investors should tread carefully as the possible downside price is a mere $0.0048.
over a year ago at Macroaxis By Raphi Shpitalnik |
LianBio ADR currently holds $4.34 million in liabilities, with a Debt to Equity (D/E) ratio of 0.02. This suggests that LianBio ADR may not be leveraging debt effectively. The company's current ratio stands at 15.49, indicating that it has sufficient liquidity to meet its financial obligations when they are due.
over a year ago at Macroaxis By Vlad Skutelnik |