Risk Management Stories

It seems Gritstone Oncology may not recover as fast as we have hopped for as its price went down 4.19% today. This firm current daily volatility is 7.28 percent, with a beta of 1.94 and an alpha of -0.16 over Dow Jones Industrial. As many millenniums are trying to avoid the latest volatility, we are going to sum up Gritstone Oncology a little further to understand its historical price patterns. What exactly are Gritstone Oncology shareholders getting in January?
  over a year ago at Macroaxis 
By Ellen Johnson
Ellen Johnson
It looks as if DS Smith may not recover as fast as we have hopped for as its price went down 8.84% today. The company current daily volatility is 4.67 percent, with a beta of 0.08 and an alpha of 0.39 over Dow Jones Industrial. As many millenniums are trying to avoid the latest volatility, we are going to digest DS Smith PLC a little further to understand its historical price patterns. We will look into some reasons why it is still possible for DS Smith to maintain above-average margins while minimizing volatility.
  over a year ago at Macroaxis 
By Vlad Skutelnik
Vlad Skutelnik
It seems as Biovie will continue to recover much faster as its share price surged up 5.02% today. The company current daily volatility is 10.92 percent, with a beta of 1.31 and an alpha of 2.86 over Dow Jones Industrial. As many millenniums are trying to avoid current market swings, it makes sense to concentrate on Biovie Inc a little further and try to understand its current market patterns. We will cover the possibilities of making Biovie into a steady grower in January.
  over a year ago at Macroaxis 
By Gabriel Shpitalnik
Gabriel Shpitalnik
It seems as Darden Restaurants will continue to recover much faster as its share price surged up 1.23% today. Darden Restaurants current daily volatility is 1.7 percent, with a beta of 0.82 and an alpha of 0.08 over Dow Jones Industrial. While many traders are getting carried away by overanalyzing saving accounts, it is reasonable to concentrate on Darden Restaurants. We will evaluate why we are still optimistic in anticipation of a recovery.
  over a year ago at Macroaxis 
By Vlad Skutelnik
Vlad Skutelnik
It looks as if Adobe Systems may not recover as fast as we have hopped for as its price went down 0.74% today. Adobe Systems Incorp current daily volatility is 2.5 percent, with a beta of 1.55 and an alpha of -0.3 over Dow Jones Industrial. As many shareholders getting excited about latest market fluctuations it is important to digest Adobe Systems based on its critical indicators. We will look into some reasons why it is still possible for Adobe Systems to maintain above-average margins while minimizing volatility.
  over a year ago at Macroaxis 
By Vlad Skutelnik
Vlad Skutelnik
Lets try to break down the odds of Lmp Automotive to fully recover from the current slide as its shares went up 0.61%. This firm current daily volatility is 3.55 percent, with a beta of 0.21 and an alpha of -0.05 over Dow Jones Industrial. While many traders are getting carried away by overanalyzing overall trading value increase, it is reasonable to break down Lmp Automotive Holdings. We will look into some reasons why it is still possible for Lmp Automotive to maintain above-average margins while minimizing volatility.
  over a year ago at Macroaxis 
By Ellen Johnson
Ellen Johnson
It feels like IClick Interactive will continue to recover much faster as its share price surged up 17.42% today. The entity current daily volatility is 6.63 percent, with a beta of 1.64 and an alpha of -0.17 over Dow Jones Industrial. As many millenniums are trying to avoid stable market, it makes sense to examine IClick Interactive Asia a little further and try to understand its current market patterns. What exactly are IClick Interactive shareholders getting in January?
  over a year ago at Macroaxis 
By Ellen Johnson
Ellen Johnson
It appears Studio City will continue to recover much faster as its share price surged up 12.74% today. The company current daily volatility is 9.09 percent, with a beta of -0.02 and an alpha of 1.76 over Dow Jones Industrial. While some millenniums are indifferent towards current market changes, it makes sense to go over Studio City International. We will look into some reasons why it is still possible for Studio City to maintain above-average margins while minimizing volatility.
  over a year ago at Macroaxis 
By Raphi Shpitalnik
Raphi Shpitalnik
It feels like Mitek Systems will continue to recover much faster as its share price surged up 0.1% today. This firm current daily volatility is 3.04 percent, with a beta of 1.24 and an alpha of -0.01 over Dow Jones Industrial. While many traders are getting carried away by overanalyzing application software, it is reasonable to examine Mitek Systems. I will address the reasons why this entity does not get much respect from traders under the current market uncertainty.
  over a year ago at Macroaxis 
By Rifka Kats
Rifka Kats
It seems as United Natural may not recover as fast as we have hopped for as its price went down 2.57% today. The company current daily volatility is 2.31 percent, with a beta of 1.01 and an alpha of 0.01 over Dow Jones Industrial. While some millenniums are indifferent towards current market swings, it makes sense to concentrate on United Natural Foods based on its technical indicators. We will cover the possibilities of making United Natural into a steady grower in January.
  over a year ago at Macroaxis 
By Vlad Skutelnik
Vlad Skutelnik