Perspective Stories

In the Biotechnology industry, two stocks that have been under the radar are Evelo Biosciences (USA Stocks: EVLO) and DiaMedica Therapeutics. Evelo Biosciences, with a market capitalization of 220.4M, has been a point of interest for investors. The company, which had its IPO on the 9th of May 2018, operates in the domestic market.
  over a year ago at Macroaxis 
By Gabriel Shpitalnik
Gabriel Shpitalnik
View Inc., a key player in the Industrials sector and specifically in the Building Products & Equipment industry, has been the subject of intense scrutiny by investors looking for sustainable growth opportunities. As of the latest update on August 2, 2023, the company's stock is trading with a Price to Earnings ratio of 20.43X, which is considered moderate in the current market scenario. However, the company's financial health paints a different picture.
  over a year ago at Macroaxis 
By Rifka Kats
Rifka Kats
Ultralife Corporation, a player in the Machinery, Tools, Heavy Vehicles, Trains & Ships industry, shows promising signs for investors this September. Despite a 52-week low of $3.67, the stock has shown resilience with a 52-week high of $8.67 and a target price of $12. The company's robust financial health is evident with a current ratio of 3.24X and working capital of $50.08M.
  over a year ago at Macroaxis 
By Aina Ster
Aina Ster
In the realm of biotechnology, two companies currently stand out for their potential shorting opportunities: Reata Pharmaceuticals and InFinT Acquisition. Reata Pharmaceuticals, a domestic pharmaceutical company, has been struggling with a net income loss of $311.9M, an operating income loss of $270.2M, and a negative income before tax of $311.9M. Its quarterly revenue growth has dipped by 0.79, and it has a mere total revenue of $2.2M.
  over a year ago at Macroaxis 
By Gabriel Shpitalnik
Gabriel Shpitalnik
By examining the fundamental drivers between Ultralife and Kimball, we can assess the impact of market volatilities on the prices of both companies. This analysis can also help determine if combining these companies in a single portfolio can help diversify away market risk. Pair trading strategies can also be utilized, such as matching a long position in Kimball with a short position in Ultralife.
  over a year ago at Macroaxis 
By Nico Santiago
Nico Santiago
Brixmor Property Group (USA Stocks: BRX), a prominent player in the Equity Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) sector, has been catching the eye of investors lately. With an enterprise value of $12B and an operating margin of 0.36%, the company has been demonstrating a robust financial position. Despite the net interest loss of $192.4M, the company has managed to generate a net income of $354.2M.
  over a year ago at Macroaxis 
By Gabriel Shpitalnik
Gabriel Shpitalnik
Vicor Corporation (VICR), a leading player in the Electronic Components industry, has been demonstrating robust financial health, which could position it to outperform Celestica (CLS) in the U.S. stock market. With a market capitalization of $4.1 billion, Vicor's financial strength is underscored by its impressive current ratio of 6.19X, indicating the company's ability to meet short-term obligations. Furthermore, Vicor's cash flow from operations stands at $22.94 million, providing the company with the financial flexibility to invest in growth opportunities.
  over a year ago at Macroaxis 
By Aina Ster
Aina Ster
Gentex Corporation (GNTX) has shown a remarkable resilience in the face of a modest market downturn, with its shares steadily climbing towards its 52-week high of $32.09. The company, which operates in the Auto Parts industry, has a healthy profit margin of 16.43% and a net income applicable to common shares of $318.8 million. Despite a probability of bankruptcy at 39.07%, the company's strong cash flow from operations of $338.2 million and working capital of $698.1 million provide a solid financial foundation.
  over a year ago at Macroaxis 
By Ellen Johnson
Ellen Johnson
In the world of marine shipping, Capital Product Partners (NASDAQ: CPLP) has carved out a significant niche for itself. As a key player in the oil, gas, and consumable fuels service category, the company has a solid foundation with a book value of $30.905 per share. Despite the industry's inherent volatility, CPLP's beta of 0.8869 indicates less volatility than the market as a whole, potentially offering a safe harbor for investors.
  over a year ago at Macroaxis 
By Ellen Johnson
Ellen Johnson
By examining the fundamental indicators between Byline Bancorp and Axos, we can assess the impact of market volatility on the prices of both companies. This will help determine if they can diversify away from market risk when combined in one of your portfolios. Pair trading strategies can also be employed, such as matching a long position in Axos with a short position in Byline Bancorp.
  over a year ago at Macroaxis 
By Ellen Johnson
Ellen Johnson