Perspective Stories

Is Oxford riskier than Horizon Technology Finance (USA Stocks:HRZN)?

High risk often accompanies high reward, and this is particularly true when considering investments in Oxford Square Capital. As a player in the asset management industry, Oxford Square Capital presents a unique profile with its current valuation at $282 million and a price-to-book ratio of 1.20X. However, its operating margin of just 0.78% and a return on equity of 3.77% suggest a cautious approach might be warranted. Continue Reading...
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Reviewed by Gabriel Shpitalnik

Considering an investment in Getty Images Holdings, it's noteworthy that the company boasts a robust market capitalization of approximately 870M, reflecting its solid presence in the Internet Content & Information industry. With insiders holding a significant 71.75% of shares, there's a strong indication of confidence from those closest to the company's operations.

Key Takeaways

By examining key indicators for Getty Images and ANGI, you can assess how market fluctuations impact their stock prices and determine if combining them in a portfolio might reduce risk. Pair trading strategies could be employed by taking a long position in ANGI and a short position in Getty Images.
  six days ago at Macroaxis 
By Vlad Skutelnik
Vlad Skutelnik
Manchester United's stock, traded under the ticker MANU on the NYSE, is capturing attention as it gears up for a potential turnaround. Despite facing a challenging fiscal landscape with an operating income loss of 69.4 million, the club's strategic initiatives and market dynamics suggest a promising path forward. With a robust net asset base of 1.34 billion, Manchester United is well-positioned to leverage its iconic brand and global fanbase in the entertainment sector.
  over a week ago at Macroaxis 
By Raphi Shpitalnik
Raphi Shpitalnik

Many businesses unknowingly overpay for gas due to complex taxes, hidden surcharges, and restrictive contracts. Without careful monitoring, you may end up spending significantly more than necessary. Understanding business gas expenses and making strategic choices can lead to substantial savings. A Business Energy Comparison can help identify better deals and reduce costs.


  over a week ago at Macroaxis 
By Aina Ster
Aina Ster

In today’s business world, organizations are generating and handling more data than ever before. To leverage this growing wealth of information, businesses need robust data systems that can extract actionable insights and support better decision-making. Raw data scattered across various systems is often difficult to analyze and lacks the necessary structure.

  over a week ago at Macroaxis 
By Aina Ster
Aina Ster
By examining the technical and fundamental indicators of FibroGen and Ardelyx, you can assess how market fluctuations impact their stock prices and determine if combining them in a portfolio might reduce overall market risk. Consider using a pair trading strategy by taking a long position in Ardelyx and a short position in FibroGen. For more details, explore our [pair correlation module](
  over three weeks ago at Macroaxis 
By Vlad Skutelnik
Vlad Skutelnik
Considering Domino's Pizza's solid operating income of 819.5M and a manageable current ratio of 1.43X, the stock presents a compelling buy opportunity for those seeking stability in the restaurant sector.

Key Takeaways

When you compare Domino's Pizza and Brinker, you can see how market fluctuations impact their stock prices and assess whether combining them in a portfolio might reduce risk. Pair trading is another strategy to consider, where you could go long on Brinker and short on Domino's Pizza. For more insights, explore our [pair correlation module](#) on these two companies.
  over three weeks ago at Macroaxis 
By Nico Santiago
Nico Santiago
Slow and steady wins the race, and Medtronic seems to be pacing itself for a promising future. With a solid footing in the medical devices industry, the company boasts a robust total revenue of $33 billion and a healthy gross profit of $21.6 billion. Its current ratio of 1.76X indicates a comfortable liquidity position, suggesting it can meet short-term obligations with ease.
  over three weeks ago at Macroaxis 
By Vlad Skutelnik
Vlad Skutelnik
By examining key indicators for Kinsale Capital and Selective, you can assess how market fluctuations impact their stock prices and determine if combining them in a portfolio might reduce risk. Pair trading strategies could be employed by taking a long position in Selective and a short position in Kinsale Capital. For more details, explore our [pair correlation]( module.
  over a month ago at Macroaxis 
By Ellen Johnson
Ellen Johnson
To compare Arbor Realty Trust and Starwood, you can examine how market fluctuations impact their stock prices and assess whether combining them in a portfolio might reduce risk. A potential strategy is pair trading, where you take a long position in Starwood and a short position in Arbor Realty. For more details, explore our [pair correlation](#) module.
  over a month ago at Macroaxis 
By Vlad Skutelnik
Vlad Skutelnik