Fundamental Analysis Stories
over a year ago at Macroaxis By Aina Ster |
over a year ago at Macroaxis By Vlad Skutelnik |
over a year ago at Macroaxis By Rifka Kats |
This article explores the concept of portfolio diversification as a risk management strategy, particularly focusing on alternative investments. It includes traditional investments like stocks and bonds, along with alternatives such as real estate, collateralised loans, precious metals, cryptocurrency, and venture capital. The inclusion of such diverse assets reduces overall risk and prevents the entire portfolio from performing poorly.
over a year ago at Macroaxis By Aina Ster |
over a year ago at Macroaxis By Ellen Johnson |
over a year ago at Macroaxis By Aina Ster |
This article discusses the why individuals should consider Bitcoin as a viable investment option. It presents five reasons supportive of hoarding Bitcoin: its ability to hedge against inflation, opportunities for portfolio diversification, its future potential, its standing as a store of value, and the financial independence it offers. The author highlights the unique qualities of Bitcoin, including its fixed supply, stability, upward trend, and privacy.
over a year ago at Macroaxis By Nico Santiago |
over a year ago at Macroaxis By Ellen Johnson |
over a year ago at Macroaxis By Vlad Skutelnik |
over a year ago at Macroaxis By Rifka Kats |