Insider Directory of Vice Presidents
Title | Since | Age | |||
David Raviv | MTEK | Maris Tech | VP | 60 | |
Deborah Golding | VBFC | Village Bank and | VP | ||
Dalerick Carden | CRD-A | Crawford Company | VP | 55 | |
Darcy BSc | GH | Gamehost | VP | ||
Douglas Nathanson | EMP-A | Empire Company Limited | VP | ||
Dalerick Carden | CRD-B | Crawford Company | VP | 55 | |
Diana McQueen | RECO | Reconnaissance Energy Africa | VP | 62 | |
Daniel Lubienietzky | ELXR | Elixxer | VP | ||
David Raviv | MTEKW | Maris Tech Ltd Warrants | VP | 60 | |
Derek BCom | BMET | BeMetals Corp | VP | ||
Daniel Blanc | DBO | D Box Technologies | VP | ||
David ThornleyHall | NOCR | Norden Crown Metals | VP | ||
Douglas Nathanson | C15 | Empire Company Limited | VP | ||
David Bryson | ENBRF | Enbridge | VP | 56 | |
David Collins | PSA-PS | Public Storage | VP | ||
Douglas Langa | N1VO34 | Novo Nordisk AS | VP | 57 | |
Danny Lee | 6123 | GrandTech CG Systems | VP | ||
Daniel Jaksich | BRK | Berkshire Hathaway CDR | VP | ||
Dante Beccaria | SNYN | Sanofi | VP | ||
Doron Zuberman | EMCO | E M Computing | VP | 55 | |
David Collins | PSA-PK | Public Storage | VP | ||
Daniel Horton | N1EM34 | Newmont | VP | ||
Darin Arita | P1DT34 | Prudential Financial | VP |
Corporate Insider such as Vice President is a common financial term that usually refers to C-Level executive or Vice President of a company. It can also be used as a term describing
anyone that owns more than 10% of a company's voting shares. Corporate Insider practices are regulated by the SEC to impose very strict disclosure requirements on
all insiders when they trade shares of their company on public or private exchanges.