Insider Directory of Corporate Officers
Title | Since | Age | |||
Ian White | MMA | Maronan Metals | CFO | ||
Ian Estepan | 0L35 | Sarepta Therapeutics | CFO | 49 | |
Ilkka MSc | 0II2 | KONE Oyj | CFO | 50 | |
Ian FCCA | SYM | Symphony Environmental Technologies | CFO | 56 | |
Ian Patel | CEADW | CEA Industries Warrant | CFO | 50 | |
Ian Borden | MCDS | McDonalds Corp CDR | CFO | 55 | |
Ilan Daskal | VIAV | Viavi Solutions | CFO | 59 | |
Ira Birns | WKC | World Kinect | CFO | 61 | |
Ira Duarte | HRTX | Heron Therapeuti | CFO | 56 | |
Ivan CA | NVA | NuVista Energy | CFO | 49 | |
Ira Duarte | 0J4V | Heron Therapeutics | CFO | 56 | |
Ian Griffiths | AGL | ANGLE plc | CFO | 59 | |
Inar Kamaletdinov | CBIT | Cathedra Bitcoin | CFO | 34 | |
Ian Lynch | ARCM | Arc Minerals Limited | CFO | ||
Ian CPA | MCD | McDonalds | CFO | 56 | |
Isaac CPA | OLP | One Liberty Properties | CFO | 50 | |
Ira CPA | WKC | World Kinect | CFO | 62 | |
Ian JD | WIZZ | Wizz Air Holdings | CFO | ||
Ian CPA | FSS | Federal Signal | CFO | 49 | |
Ian CPA | MCDS | McDonalds Corp CDR | CFO | 56 | |
Ines Bezaznia | BROGW | Brooge Energy Limited | CFO | ||
Ines Bezaznia | BROG | Brooge Holdings | CFO | ||
Ido Wallach | 0QQE | DKSH Holding AG | CFO | 50 | |
Ingo Arnold | 0MV2 | Freenet AG NA | CFO | 60 | |
Idan Hadad | 0RPK | Grand City Properties | CFO |
Corporate Insider such as Corporate Officer is a common financial term that usually refers to C-Level executive or Vice President of a company. It can also be used as a term describing
anyone that owns more than 10% of a company's voting shares. Corporate Insider practices are regulated by the SEC to impose very strict disclosure requirements on
all insiders when they trade shares of their company on public or private exchanges.