Insider Directory of CEOs
Title | Since | Age | |||
Edward Bastian | DAL | Delta Air Lines | CEO | 2016 | 65 |
Ernest Cu | GTMEF | Globe Telecom | CEO | 2009 | 62 |
Edmund Burke | GLQ | Clough Global Ef | CEO | 2019 | 58 |
Eduardo Garcia | FIHO12 | FibraHotel | CEO | 46 | |
Enrique Robles | MEGACPO | Megacable Holdings S | CEO | 2005 | 63 |
Eli Dadouch | FC | Firm Capital Mortgage | CEO | 1999 | |
Elliot Noss | TC | Tucows Inc | CEO | 2001 | 62 |
Enrique Torres | GUZOF | Grupo Herdez SAB | CEO | 72 | |
Eli Dadouch | FCMGF | Firm Capital Mortgage | CEO | 1999 | |
Elliot Noss | TCX | Tucows Inc | CEO | 2001 | 62 |
Eloy Garza | ACCELSAB | Accel SAB de | CEO | 2008 | 51 |
Ernesto Tanmantiong | JBFCF | Jollibee Foods | CEO | 2014 | 65 |
Eric Caton | JTC | JEMTEC Inc | CEO | ||
Eik Kwek | CDEVY | City Developments | CEO | 2016 | 42 |
Eric Fleche | MTRAF | Metro Inc | CEO | 2008 | 61 |
Eric Campos | CRSU | Caisse Regionale De | CEO | ||
Emmanuel Barras | CRSU | Caisse Regionale De | CEO | ||
Eulalio Austin | PXMFF | Philex Mining | CEO | 2014 | 61 |
Elaine Woodland | FKYS | First Keystone Corp | CEO | 2018 | 64 |
Elise Thebault | PAOTF | Parrot | CEO | 2006 | |
Espen Gundersen | TMRAF | Tomra Systems ASA | CEO | 59 | |
Erik Gershwind | 98M | MSC Industrial Direct | CEO | 2013 | 52 |
Eric Long | USAC | USA Compression Partners | CEO | 2011 | 62 |
Espen Gundersen | TMRAY | Tomra Systems ASA | CEO | 59 |
Corporate Insider such as CEO is a common financial term that usually refers to C-Level executive or Vice President of a company. It can also be used as a term describing
anyone that owns more than 10% of a company's voting shares. Corporate Insider practices are regulated by the SEC to impose very strict disclosure requirements on
all insiders when they trade shares of their company on public or private exchanges.