USA ETF Directory

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SymbolNameIssuerCategoryFocusRegionAsset Type
KLXYKraneShares TrustKraneSharesStrategyThemeGlobalEquity
HCOWAmplify Cash FlowAmplifyStrategyBuywriteNorth AmericaEquity
LEGRFirst Trust IndxxFirst TrustStrategyThemeGlobalEquity
FTWOEA Series TrustStrive Asset ManagementStrategyThemeNorth AmericaEquity
IWTRiShares Trust iSharesStrategyThemeGlobalEquity
HLALWahed FTSE USAWahed InvestStrategyThemeNorth AmericaEquity
AVIEAmerican Century ETFAmerican Century InvestmentsStrategyThemeNorth AmericaEquity
XYLGGlobal X SPGlobal XStrategyBuywriteNorth AmericaEquity
SDGiShares MSCI GlobaliSharesStrategyThemeGlobalEquity
TSLLDirexion Shares ETFDirexionStrategySingle StockNorth AmericaEquity
TSLGLeverage Shares 2XLeverage SharesStrategySingle StockNorth AmericaEquity
LVHDLegg Mason LowFranklin Templeton InvestmentsStrategyHigh Dividend YieldNorth AmericaEquity
KSEAKraneShares TrustKraneSharesStrategyThemeGlobalEquity
LVHIFranklin International LowFranklin Templeton InvestmentsStrategyHigh Dividend YieldGlobal ex-U.S.Equity
DLLLGraniteShares 2x LongGraniteSharesStrategySingle StockNorth AmericaEquity
SDYSPDR SP DividendSSgAStrategyHigh Dividend YieldNorth AmericaEquity
IDNAiShares Genomics ImmunologyiSharesStrategyThemeGlobalEquity
SEAUS Global SeaUS Global InvestorsStrategyThemeGlobalEquity
IFRAiShares Infrastructure ETFiSharesStrategyThemeNorth AmericaEquity
WCBRWisdomTree CybersecurityWisdomTreeStrategyThemeGlobalEquity
PSWDXtrackers Cybersecurity SelectDWSStrategyThemeGlobalEquity
XDATFranklin Exponential DataFranklin Templeton InvestmentsStrategyThemeGlobalEquity
DJIAGlobal X DowGlobal XStrategyBuywriteNorth AmericaEquity
SPHDInvesco SP 500InvescoStrategyHigh Dividend YieldNorth AmericaEquity
AIPIREX AI EquityREX AdvisersStrategyThemeNorth AmericaEquity

Macroaxis provides up-to-date ETF directory which is filterable by multiple attributes as a complimentary convenience tool to screen and analyze investment alternatives with minimized risk-return profiles. The ETF directory allows investors to evaluate current ETF investment strategies against their existing or potential portfolios as wells as against individual constituent holdings. ETFs offer several advantages over traditional investments:
Diversification: ETFs provide exposure to a wide range of assets, reducing the risk of investment and helping to spread investment across different sectors and markets.
Low costs: ETFs generally have lower fees than actively managed mutual funds, making them a cost-effective investment option.
Liquidity: ETFs are traded on stock exchanges, making it easy to buy and sell shares throughout the day.
Transparency: ETFs disclose their holdings on a daily basis, providing investors with a clear understanding of the underlying assets.
Flexibility: ETFs can be bought and sold like individual stocks and can be used to implement various investment strategies.
Tax efficiency: ETFs can offer tax benefits compared to traditional mutual funds, as they are structured in a way that minimizes capital gains distributions.
Note: It's important to carefully consider the investment objectives, risks, charges, and expenses of an ETF before investing. Read the prospectus carefully before investing. View All Etfs